The Camel and The Rat Short Story in English?

Once there was a camel. He lived near a village. He had very proud on himself. One day a little rat come to him and asked politely, “Will you like to be my friend?” but the camel replied angrily, “I don’t need any friend. I think only weak persons, like you, need friends.” On listening this, the rat went away quickly.

One day, the camel was eating the leaves of a tree. Unluckily, his nose-cord stuck in a thorn. He tried his best to get free but it was useless. He was unable to do anything but to see the thorn stuck in his nose, he said to himself, “Perhaps, the rat was right if I had made a friend, he must have helped me. But what to do now, because I have no one.”

All of a sudden the same little rat came there and said, “I requested you to become my friend, but you refused. “The camel was ashamed at his behavior and said, “Please give me one more chance and be my friend.”

The little rat climbed on the tree and cut the cord with his sharp teeth. The camel was now free. He thanked the rat and both become best friends for-ever.

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